Aporia Records Profile

Aporia Records

Release of the week
Big WorldKinnie Starr
Kinnie returns with a record born out of her recovery from a traumatic brain injury she received in a car accident after the release of 2014's "From Far Away." In the frustration and chaos that ensued as Kinnie's body and brain struggled to work together as they used to, her interest in the nature of communication deepened. In this era where immediacy is king and anxiety disorders rise alongside extroversion and "urgent" digital chatter, upcoming album "Feed the Fire" will be a critical look at where we are at in our relationships to the screen, to our faiths, and to each other. "Big World" is the second single from upcoming album, "Feed the Fire." Kinnie on "Big World": "There is always a choice - to uplift others or seek to undermine them. Being a jerk, being racist, or spewing repetitive hateful ideology is a choice. In terms of racist America in 2018 and the alt right under Trump's vision, we must be vigilant to unstick from the chaos Trump seeks to stir."
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