V-Neck House Music Group

Jrs EndoBlake B, Mood Pieces, Big Young, Spaceboifresh
Blake B "Jrs Endo"
©V-Neck House Music Group 2018
An album dedicated to the late Blake B jr.
Bishop Arts artist from Dallas Tx, Blake B has blessed our ears with stories and rules he implemented for Jr before his passing. This album is special to him as Blake Jr was only with us for 3 weeks and 5 days. The project was started once he knew his wife was pregnant with his firstborn. After Jr's passing Blake B stopped working on the project and it remained in the V.H.M.G vault along with other timeless classics. Releasing this project to the masses was the only way he felt that he could honor his late child. After that tradgey Blake B music has never been the same.....So please enjoy!
Nintendo is not affiliated or represented any fashion or form with ©V-Neck House Music Group. Names portrayed in this project are only titles of the art.
9 Tracks