Tamaraebi Music / A4Ward

Heavens GateTamaraebi
Nigerian-born singer-songwriter Tamaraebi is slowly shaping up to be tomorrow's torchbearer within the realm of Soul and RnB music, elevating the genres with his own inimitable iterations.
With a sound significantly rooted in gospel, religion has remained a recurring thread in Tamaraebi's repertoire, detectible even in the title of his forthcoming single and debut EP, Heavens Gate. Finding himself in constant contemplation about his personal relationship with God and faith, and the recognition that perhaps music and religion are exceedingly interchangeable and intertwined has led to the essence of much of Tamaraebi's material.
With a strong promise of longevity, Tamaraebi is an alluring and enigmatic master of his craft who has been aptly described by The Music Axle as "the voice that makes you fiend for more", and whose songs will, one day, undoubtedly be considered timeless anthems.
After being signed to Sony ATV publishing Tamaraebi has since been shown support by Spotify, Apple, SBTV and BBC.
5 Tracks