Softcore Records

HYPERVADEShmuck The Loyal
Hypervade is: Hyper + Pervade
Hyper: extreme, beyond
Pervade: spread through, be perceived in every part of.
I love the word "hyper" I love how the word looks, sounds and the meaning of it. The word itself has been used in a handful of my artistic endeavors and I new early in the production process of the EP that it embodied the sound and feeling of the project. In its infancy, the project was slated as "Hyper Human" but I failed to develop a means of proper depiction. "Extremely human" rather than "Extreme human" i.e.
I settled on hypervade because I loved the overlap of the words and how it felt like something new.
Hypervade isn't about a message so much as a feeling. I'm in the pursuance of creating music that is emotive, visceral and rattles your core. It is intended to enhance whatever emotion is relevant to your life at the time of listening. If I were to pick a theme, it would be "empowering"
4 Tracks