Purple City

MamacitaEtch, Donaghy
Etch returns to Purple City. with an EP that follows on from Etch's 2016 Cosmic B-Boy EP on Purple City and will include a limited vinyl and t-shirt run.
Five years after his initial voyage the Cosmic B-Boy Etch boldy transmits another interdimensional signal deep into the heart of the Purple City from somewhere beyond the realms of human cognisance.
... What's all that William Shatner talk about mate?
Translation: it's been five years since Etch (known to his mum as Zak Brashill) dropped a release on Purple City and he's back with Parisian Strut. The first single off his forthcoming EP the length of an album The Further Adventures Of The Cosmic B-Boy.
Insistent on a verbal declaration of intent Parisian Strut is a step in a slightly different direction for breaks surgeon Etch and sees him rattle off in a 4 x 4 direction of a distinctly french filter house style. You know? Thumping kicks, subtle emotional progression, million dollar strings like someone pressed the emergency button on a sound desk at a Philly recording studio in the early seventies.
Next up is Neptune's Hustle, featuring superb up and coming Brighton emcee Donaghy, the heavy half time heater allows Donaghy to bring his magic to Etch's production.
Mamacita sees Etch and Donaghy team up again on this chilled vibe maker, with Donaghy regaling a cloud rap love story from outta space.
1 Track