Docka Records Profile

Docka Records

Release of the week
Keeper (feat. Lady Verse)Lady Verse, DJ IDeaL
DOC018 – RELEASE DATE: 10.30.18 (Beatport/Spotify World Exclusive) Establishing themselves strongly into the Docka Records roster, DJ IDeaL and Lady Verse came together to give present day life to lyrics originally written years ago. Through a vocal rework with reconstructed techno and house elements, 'Keeper' was reinvented and with this 'Remixes' packet you see the track get transformed once again. The elements of the underground vibes get warped into a dark and progressive track as interpreted by Deep Tribe. The heavy drum work, vocal cuts and rhythmic entrancing melody all together work as a pool side delicacy or at your local underground soirée. Our resident alien makes his way back to Earth captivated by the electronic messages transmitted by Lady Verse through 'Keeper', deemed ready to join the Docka Army worthy of being kept forever a warrior for music. In response, Docka delivers deep rattling bass and clean drum percussions as the track transforms with hip-hop beats and trapped out earworm leads. Leading the way for progressive electro and bass music in Belgium, Greg Dela joins the path of the Docka on board this remixes release. Complete with future bass stabs and fancy footwork high hats, the trumpets and MJ finger snaps at the break down turn into a very subtle bass filled drop with an additional surprise you'll want to turn it up for as the bass cannons fire.
2 Tracks