
Prince of BabylonNAD
Babylon-Music is a new Label with a big vision. Their goal is to overcome the differences in humanity and make positive music, with a positive message. With an International Team of star producers, songwriters and business partners, Babylon-Music builds a bridge between the orient (middle eastern countries) and the western countries with high quality productions.<br>
After 3 years of preparation, Babylon-Music is finally releasing their first Artist "NAD" with his debut single "Prince of Babylon". In the History of the music/entertainment industry, there was never a royal person that was exposed as an artist till this day. NAD is a native Persian with royal blood in his veins (Cyrus The King). The first ever real Prince that will perform on stage!<br>
The productions will put the audience into a fairy tale, and solve a desire for the realization of the story of Babylon.<br><br>
Babylon-Music will release further unique artists in the future that will market all over the world.<br><br><br>
Marketing strategy<br>
Analysis of target groups: <br>Group A (Asia and Africa)<br><br>
The product Prince of Babylon NAD will have its main Fan basement in the Oriental countries.<br>
The placement of advertising campaigns and promotions are specific to:<br>
- All Arabic countries<br>
- Iran<br>
- Turkey<br>
- Afghanistan<br>
- Uzbekistan<br>
- Azerbaijan<br>
- Armenia<br>
- Some African countries (Tunisia, Egypt...)<br>
The population in the countries mentioned above, achieves a number of over 2 billion people.<br><br>
About 50 percent are less than 30 years old, and are potential and active Consumers of the entertainment industry and the new media (Internet). In the past 30 years, modernization has occurred, by limiting their choices to consumers not only on their own market. Multicultural world cities today, such as Dubai or Istanbul became a huge market for different sectors and industries.<br><br>
Analysis of target groups: <br>Group B (Europe, USA and Australia)<br>
More than 100 million people live in In America, Australia and Europe from the countries listed above. This is a high number of young people under 30, who grew up multilingual.<br><br>
Product placement: <br>Target Group A<br>
The product is presented in the strategically important and popular media platforms:<br>
- TV Channels<br>
- Radio stations<br>
- Print media<br>
- New Media<br>
- Social Networks<br>
- DJ Promotion<br><br>
Product placement: <br>Target Group B<br>
The Placement Forecast<br>
Due to the simultaneous and targeted advertising, we get approximately 25 to 35 percent of the two target groups. Since the album is very multicultural but produced very oriented to the European charts, we also reach approximately 20 to 30 percent of European consumers with this kind of product. The clash and creation of the common interests of these different audiences around the world will automatically generate a wave of integration worldwide. This wave of integration will lead to a large influence on the international charts placement of Prince of Babylon NAD.
3 Tracks