The Urbanites

Thee Green Knight LegacyNatty Nation, Ras Amerlock, Urban Empress, The Urbanites
(Sounds from the court of the noble Green Knight in His Imperial Majesties service)
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Reaching out to the ones in the millions, and millions in the billions of trillions; to the people that have been, are and shall be: this collection is for, and all about thee.
A journey through times in space, imagary in sound of what has been , is and shall be- JAH willing.
From the Awareness of Thee one, so see we the whole. Love and light glistening upon the ancient lance and sword of Thee Green Knight as the story is told a legacy unfolds.
All Tracks written By M.McCutcheon
except "Hurting" written and performed by Natty Nation
This version remixed and produced by Ras Amerlock
"Reims in Dub" shared credits K.Urban
Performed by Ras Amerlock and the Urbanites
(produced by Ras Amerlock)
Recorded at Science of The Trinity Studios,USA
Performers Ras Amerlocks Trinity All Stars (Thee Dub Alumni)
Mastered by Ras Amerlock and Bandulu Dub
Produced by Ras Amerlock and Dan Dada Records
14 Tracks