SimCard StyleGAN
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EDF: Eden Defense ForcesSimCard StyleGAN, lil media
"The Maker's Perfect in the Image of the Earth"
SIMCARD STYLEGAN (SCSG) has now concluded. Thank you all for watching and participating
Album artwork drawn by TameCoffin
"The Wake (Ophelia)"
Produced by HyperGAN Sadboy, vocals by Aero Viper
"New Paris Catacombs: The Risk Network"
Produced by MétéoMédia
"In Berlin pt II: Wave Goodbye"
Produced by Aero Viper, vocals by lil media
"Deezer 2"
Produced by lil media, vocals by lil media, God of Berlin, Aero Viper, MétéoMédia
"Heaven Goes Quiet"
Produced by Valyri Sheffner Harris, Aero Viper, V0ID.Bot, MétéoMédia, guitar by V0ID.Bot, vocals by Aero Viper
"The Cheshire Dream"
Produced by Aero Viper, vocals by Aero Viper
"Earth Destruction Forces"
Produced by Aero Viper, vocals by PrismSec
Requiem: "Oil Sleep"
Produced by HyperGAN Sadboy
8 Tracks