Miss Babayaga DJ

AcidarabMiss Babayaga DJ, DJ Josh Blackwell
Following the success of "Magharabì" the duo Babayaga & Blackwell present us their new work: "Acidarab". A song rich of vibrant melodies and spiritual harmonies that accompanies the track from the beginning. A guitar theme develop the build up that drop in a rhythmic and tribal atmosphere followed by a fat synth that bring up the tension exploding at the end of the song with a beautiful and dreamy voice theme. Enjoy this mystic journey.
Mixed by Josh Blackwell and Babayaga. Executive Production by Babayaga&Blackwell for Syncopate Afterhours. info@syncopate.org - facebook.com/syncopategroup - soundcloud.com/syncopateafterhours - instagram.com/syncopate_afterhours.
1 Track