Mike Dilla

$acrificesMeach ThaGod Muzik, Richie Hindricks, Mike Dilla, Bad Guy Yella
"Meach ThaGod Muzik" (formerly known as YoungMeach DaFuture) is a hip-hop artist, songwriter, teacher, and poet from northwest Indiana. He began music in church where he developed a love for melodies and harmonies. He has been wrongfully incarcerated since 2005, and has continued to express himself through literary art (music, poetry, journalism, etc.). He spent a majority of his time incarcerated doing the same things that got him locked up, and it shows in his earlier music. For so long he thought music was his purpose, but he now knows that music is just a gift he was blessed with from God and a tool he can use to fulfill his purpose, which is teaching. He uses his story and the stories of others, through song, as a cautionary tale in hopes of persuading the youth from taking the same path that he did. "Meach ThaGod Muzik" is the newly signed artist to the label "God's Gift Records", and he seeks to continue on his path of making it cool to be conscious.
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