Maxim Samos

NomadAn-2, Maxim Samos
An-2 and Samos have turned the clock back to finish off a couple of sessions they'd recorded together years back. Maxim Samos is our keen friend and sophisticated guitar player from Minsk, Belarus that we know for years. His first appearance on Theomatic was back in 2008 with space-rock tune "Alpha Storm", which received lots of positive feedback and found its way to the Prins Thomas – Live At Robert Johnson compilation. As well as guitars, Maxim can play almost any string instrument and, on one of his erstwhile trips to Istanbul, he dropped by a music store, picked up a Saz and immediately set it alight, blowing away the entire staff. After scoring a big discount, he came out, clutching it in his hands. An-2 commented on Samos' playing on the Saz during one of his first visits to Minsk, and immediately suggested cutting a track together – something that took 10 years, but the wait's been worth it. What we've got is surreal halal-acid-folk-disco affair, perfect for whirling dervishes or dancing the dhikr. The story's continued on the B-side, where we're treated to a tale of trips in a GTI, before finishing with a Nordic saga about cold fronts coming at us from behind the Polar Circle.
3 Tracks