Lucas Monge

Under DeliriumLucas Monge
It's time for our new release. It is a very special release since there are three new artists that start from this, to be part of teQwave Records. In it, you can listen to two original tracks by Lucas Monge, a great artist from the coast of our country, a remix of the great and prestigious Cabizbajo and another by Matias Fontanella, a growing artist from the southern area of Buenos Aires. The two original Lucas tracks, have a particular tint with well-marked drums and percussions, bass lines reaching the natural sound of an electric bass. Both originals with dark male vocals, excellent for a dance floor warm up. The sound closest to teQwave, you can delight in the track that gives the name to the release, "Under Delirium." Thanks to all three for trusting in our work and sharing the launch with us!
3 Tracks