Lello Fusco

Lamperouge EPVodoom
On the shiny black road that mounted through the pines as he left the hotel he felt the pull in his arms and his shoulders and the rounding thrust of his feet against the pedals as he climbed in the hot sun with the smell of the pines and the light breeze that came from the sea. He bent his back forward and pulled lightly against his hands and felt the cadence that had been ragged as he first mounted begin to smooth out as he passed the hundred-meter stones and then the first red-topped kilometer marker and then the second. At the headland the road dipped to border the sea and he braked and dismounted and put the bicycle over his shoulder and walked down with it along the trail to the beach. He propped it against a pine tree that gave off the resin smell of the hot day and he dropped down to the rocks, stripped and put his espadrilles on his shorts. shirt and cap and he dove from the rocks into the deep dear cold sea. He came up through the varying light and when his head came out he shook dear his ears and then swam out to sea. He lay on his back floated and watched the sky and the first white clouds that coming with the breeze. Vodoom can be found in the shadows of Tunisia. This is his first offering for Shango Records and is called "Lamperouge EP". These two songs will have you awake during the dark of the night. Monvol and Lello Fusco are angels of darkness.
4 Tracks