
A B V DiMght
Colin Maanda Magwedze, AKA iMght, has decided to write another chapter in the history books with his latest mixtape titled ABVD (All Bad Vibes Declined). ABVD comes after a lengthy sabbatical by the Venda born artist; a sabbatical that brought about a metamorphosed and seasoned artist.
ABVD touches on a wide range of relevant matters. iMght sums it up perfectly by saying, "Slim is the line between self-esteem and ego. A huge part of my path has been filled with a test of the two, and for the most part, I failed 90%% of them. This project is a reminder to myself that I have my back, accepting my ego and using it to kill itself whilst placing me on a path of no negative thinking, living and being."
11 Tracks