Flip Huston

Let Me BreatheFlip Huston
The mysterious and up-and-coming artist Flip Huston has released a new song called "Let Me Breathe." He took a different approach on this one, merging traditional hip-hop vocals with an alternative-rock sound. Flip's inspiration for "Let Me Breathe" came from a few different places. First off, the frustration of feeling like he needs to live up to the expectations everyone has placed on him. Secondly, the recent outbreak of Covid-19 has him feeling trapped with nowhere to escape because of the strict safety precautions and stay-at-home order issued by local government. A third source of inspiration came from Flip's experience in toxic relationships, feeling like he couldn't be himself and looking for the fortitude to break free from all the negativity. Flip admits that "Let Me Breathe" took a lot of courage to put out because of its vulnerable topics and genre-bending sound. We are projecting this single to land Flip on top of the alternative-rock charts and make noise across multiple hip-hop platforms.
1 Track