
Cementerio EPFanstrom
The Argentinian Producer FANSTRØM is surrounded by music and inspiration since more than a decade now, making him capable of really put his vision into the music he ambitiously produces. His unique sound, which is atmospheric and gloomy at the same time is paying tribute to his undeniable talent and dedication to Techno music.
He really knows, that less is sometimes more, enhancing the key elments, and staying as minimalistic as he can, so his music still can remain a maximum of power and excitement with no doubt.
For the title track of the same called EP ‚Cementerio', he confidently accomplished that. It is a perfect example for the ambivalence of a track being dreamy and uncanny at the same time.
Its remix by label head Thomas Maschitzke pics up the graveyard mood transfered by the song, adding quite a few exciting elements to the basis. Doing so he makes the track not as straight forward as the original but instead, gives it a more electrifying impact on the audience.
The second remix by Anton Johnsen instead is way more plain and uncompromised leaving space for some very short breaks but giving the kick the oppotunity to be extremely driving.
‚Entre Bosques' is inevitable taking you into the woods after the drop, which is easily fullfilling every expectations you might have had from the build up. The melody dropping in is as minimalistic as it is beautiful. Unlike the other two tracks it is the more chill kind of techno getting you in a very dreamy mood and is settled somewhere between dancefloor and listening to FANSTRØM on your couch.
For his remix, Fabian Vieregge slows the whole thing a bit down, giving the bassline more volume. By doing so, he takes the mystical feeling of the original away but adds a groovy component instead, which ist he perfect sound for every house set and dance floor.
1 Track