Cody Wave Profile

Cody Wave

Release of the week
Royalty (feat. PT, OD, TY, Mark Graham)Cody Wave
For the past few years Cody Wave has been quietly building up a reputation behind the scenes as a producer the New Zealand hip hop community - working on tracks with some of the biggest names in the scene including TY, Smashproof, PT, Sid Diamond and Mikey Mayz to name a few! Stepping out of the control room and into the spotlight, 'Royalty' is Wave's star-studded debut single - featuring urban heavyweights PT & TY as well as new comers O.D. (Wave's all Maori male pop group) and singer Mark Graham. 'Royalty' combines throw-back funk, modern RnB and futuristic rap in an infectious track that highlights the best angles of all its varied contributors.
1 Track

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