Braqueberry Profile


Release of the week
"Merengue goes hardcore" Juan Luis Guerra "He swaps Rashad's codeine-laced double cup for a mojito, and the results are refreshing as can be." Pitchfork "Downloaded for R. Hawtin" R.Hawtin "Someone changed the drum kit to 626 Latin sounds on this one" Eric Kupper from C&C Music Factory "Latinos in Andorra know how to mix it the ruff way, support this!" Boriqua Posse "Don't worry be hardcore" Bobby McFerrin Fracture on Throwing Snow (Fabric) "I love how it uses a footwork palette and aesthetic but is like a full length album track. I also Very unique." "This Braqueberry ting is worth a Bitcoin" DJ Paypal (Teklife) "Heatwave in Rotterdam" Euromasters "Braqueberry's very own take on the juke sound, blending idiosyncratic rhythms with luminous textures." Red Bull Music Academy "Mental, eternal, sabooooor" Gabber Mafia Bogotá Official "You just perfectly described why I love all hard EDM, especially gabber. The brain-clearing zen the buzz gives is amazing. It's strange, but it gives a kind of clarity. Tenzin Gyatso, Dalai Lama "Barcelona's Braqueberry is both feel-good and deeply weird" RA "They hear loud, I hear peace. Together forever" Rick Astley "...This resonated with me in a big way. I'm a nerdy girl and you'd never know how much I love, mix, and produce Gabber and all sorts of other really hard shit. For me, it's the love of that almost magical droning buzzing distortion and beats so hard you can't help but turn your brain off and just get pounded by the music for a couple hours. Music you can feel as much as you can hear. It's very cathartic." Some random girl from a messageboard.
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