
Ya Tu Sabes Quienes Somos MujerAJ&Diego
Aj & Diego New Duo Boliviano The Urban Music .Formado in 2015 to Mano The Urban Producer Boliviano. Deiner the Hard In conjunction with Bluecore Music Group, this Duo has been projected at the urban level of one of the most complete Duos of Santa Cruz Bolivia & Bet Mas. Bringing Your Music Of Excellent Quality To Every Rincon Of The World. This 2017 Aj & Diego Renace With New Musical Proposal Your Album. Titualado Ya You Know Who We Are Woman. .. The Charge of The Bolivian Producer Deiner the hard Charged Energetically of Latin Rhythms with fusions that defy. The quality of the current market. Of the times. Already you know who we are female titled album of Aj & Diego. will be released in mid-October 2017.
12 Tracks