Unit 27

Layered InkINFERNO, AndyK, DJ Five Venoms, Grafezzy
On his new mixtape, AndyK gets back to his hip-hop roots with a set of songs focused on turntabilism skills and tight rhymes. Inferno makes a triumphant return to the stage with a verse of classic bars. DJ Five Venoms then takes an AndyK beat to the next level with his scratching. The Grafezzy and AndyK partnership continues to yield amazing results after his debut on the Fiver mixtape. He waxes poetic about the value of putting in work on the single Stackin'. Then, Unit 27 continues the stellar scratching on top of the AndyK track Let It Hit `Em. Jay Hollin makes his debut with AndyK, telling an ex how it really is on the track No More, which also features some more killer work on the 1s and 2s by DJ Five Venoms. Unit 27 again makes his move on the DMC belt with I'm Still Doing My Thing. He is followed by another frequent AndyK collaborator, Fairow Tut, as he piles hooks on top of hooks with the song Wah Me Do My Jaw. Finally, new AndyK protege Yung $K closes the album with the vocal fry sizzle of Head Honchos. All in all, a diverse collection of beats and MCs held together by the consistently excellent production of AndyK.
8 Tracks